Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Today I am lucky enough to have Sweet Plum Photography come take maternity pictures.  This has been postponed from January from lack of sufficient bump.  And of course today of all days the road workers must dig trenches in the lot I plan to take said photos.  I already consider today a success, not only did I get a full nights sleep but I managed to get up on time with relatively no attitude.  In addition to waking in a pleasant manor I showered and dried my mane fast enough to enjoy a peaceful breakfast.  While all of that is great I am most excited about my hair, it is thicker than ever and has been a bitch to wash every single speck of conditioner out leaving dried greasy crust on the luscious locks.  Today the hair fairy granted me with perfect hair, thank baby Jesus!

Having pictures taken hit me harder than expected.  I had senior pictures taken and that was awesome, but this is a whole new realm of reality.  These pictures get to document my blimpness with pride.  For once I don't mind looking fat or bloated, the object is not to be rail thin with a rack of fake ta-ta's.  I don't feel bad wearing my pre prego clothes, they show off the bump better.

Last night we had fish fillets for dinner, the frozen yellow box kind.  Gross I know, but it has been a long tradition to refer to them as an anniversary meal.  Only my mom dad and sister will get this but its funny none the less.  So we sit down to eat and B says " I really wanted pizza" I asked him why he didn't tell me that earlier because these fish sticks suck.  he agreed that they sucked and didn't know why I bought them in the first place.  I recalled how they used to be so good when I was a kid and we only got to have them on special nights.  While it ment nothing to B I'm dying inside because these fake baked fish taste like cardboard and even with tarter sauce I fed mine to the cat.  We won't be having anymore anniversary dinners ever.  I am not allowed to bring that shit in the house!

Update on Coon's nighttime terror.  We have taken to swaddling him at night.  Yes, swaddle as in like wrapping a baby.  For two nights it worked wonders.  Last night he had enough resulting in jail time.  I locked him in the bathroom.  Removed all possible toy items except the shower curtain locked the door and prayed he wouldn't break something else.  At 5:30 I was shocked we both made it through the night.  Nothing was ruined and he choose to sleep in the sink instead of his bed.  From now on he will be sent to jail at night so I can sleep.  For cuddle sake the swaddling was fun but he is just not that type of cat.  For future guests, the white bathroom will be off limits from 10pm to 5:30 am sorry for the incovience bt my sleep is important.

1 comment:

  1. I spent last night with my terrible two sleeping ON me all night. Every time I went to roll over, there was a cat on me! No more bedroom at night. It pisses me off too much!
