Friday, February 24, 2012

15 to go!

  1. How far along?: 25 weeks 
  2. How big is baby?: The size of a rutabaga. Approximately 1 1/2 -2 pounds and 13 inches long. 
  3. Weight gain?:  The scale and I broke up, the number was higher than expected therefore I see no need to continue viewing the disappointment. 
  4. Stretch marks?: Right thigh and the boobs. The boobs are getting the short end of the stick. 
  5. Maternity clothes?: Getting dressed to stay inside is pointless. No maternity clothes this week.  
  6. Sleep?: Baby must be having a growth spurt since I can't sleep enough. 
  7. Best moment last week?: He is moving all over, B felt him last night again. I also got another ultrasound on monday.  It is so reassuring to see him kicking away on the screen. I also met some new mommas that live close by. 
  8. Food cravings?: Graham crackers, cookies, carbs basically anything I can get my hands on. 
  9. Exercise?: None, I've been bad this week. 
  10. Gender?: all boy 
  11. Movement?: The morning time he is the most active. 
  12. Belly button?: Getting flatter and flatter 
  13. What I miss?: Being less irritable. This week everyone is testing my rollercoaster emotions. I miss having energy and getting comfortable while sitting. 
  14. Labor signs?: No more!
  15. What I'm looking forward to?: B's birthday dinner.  Busch gardens this weekend.  Finalizing plans for our March vacation. Getting my shower invites in the mail. 

1 comment:

  1. What's a rutabaga?
    Pleased to hear everything is tracking along nicely for you!
