Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Love Story Part 1

I have always been a believer in everything happens for a reason.  Timing is everything.  If at first you don't succeed try again.  There is something to be said for "knowing" before you "know".  I still get goose bumps thinking about it.  Parents read this as a story and not as your daughter. For everyone else here is a love story.

Every good story starts with an introduction so here goes nothin.  As a little girl I always dreamed of being that country princess.  Not the white dress and fake shit but a real life princess.  I wanted to cook and clean and dote on my prince and be the center of his world.  I was 13 when I met B.  In all honesty I owe my dad for the life I have now, without him I never would have met my prince.

B was 21 and hotter than hell in my eyes.  Lucky for me my dad hired him and for the next year I saw him everyday.  I would get home from school and wait until B finished his day and I could pester him until he left.  My mom was always super cool and made him part of the family, getting him to stay for dinner on a few occasions.  I was in pure heaven.  Keep in mind at this time I was still only 13 living in this impossible infatuation.  It sure didn't stop me from trying my hardest to make sure I was cool and noticed by him.  While I was ready to be be Barbie, throw in the towel and never look for love again B was actually planning his own wedding.

Talk about crushing a crushing blow. My "prince" was running off to marry some other girl.  Bitch code is learned early on.  meaning if you can't beat her get as close to your frenemy as possible.  Granted she had no idea I wanted B but thats how it was.  The wedding came and we went and did the whole dance, eat cake and wish them the best as I was mentally killing her off with my razor stares.

A short time after B went to work for someone else.  Meaning no more waiting on the back of the couch like a dog for him to come home.  No more pestering, no more fantasy love story playing over and over. For the next few years we saw each other way less.  Even though I still made sure to flirt and catch his eye I was finally in high school and meeting people my own age.  Not to mention the fact that he was too old, he still had that darn wife in my way.  Love never fails you, it just takes its own course.

Fast forward to a group function when I was 16 going on 20 and still had the hots for B.  By now I had outgrown my "baby-ness" but was still out of reach for him, and he was still married.  Both of these major problems will later dissolve.  That day at the drag races things changed forever.  I got brave, held his hand and told B I loved him and that he should marry me instead.  He said something adult like about how it doesn't really work that way and we couldn't.  In hindsight something clicked that day.  Even though my pleas went unnoticed that particular day I definitely put the gears in motion.

At 18 I moved away but never forgot about B.  I would ask through the grapevine how he was doing. I would search endlessly on myspace for his profile. Late I learned he did the same but we both never found  each other.  We never forgot that something was there in the 4 years we were apart.  I guess everything has a way of working itself out.  I had to live and grow up.  B had to get through a divorce and have time to heal.

For those few years I searched for him, I never succeeded despite my desperate attempts.  A few months before we reconnected I started searching again.  I can't say for sure how many hours I searched facebook, google, friends of friends pages.  Anything I could do to find him failed.  A good friend of mine who knew B hadn't seen him in a while and didn't have any lead for me either.  In february 2011 I learned that he was divorced still had no kids and had recently moved.  I googled him one last time and got a phone number. Waiting until the morning was torture but the anticipation was too much to bear.

Part Two tomorrow!


  1. You are so cruel. Leaving us hanging like that?

    Looking forward to part 2.

    And I feel calmer at least knowing you end up together :-)
