Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Everyone has heard about my unheathly obsession for cards, so when our anniversary came around I couldn't disappoint.  Back in early February I purchased all the cards I needed for them month. I did this not only because there was a buy one get one sale but because I can't seem to remember shit these days.

I ended up purchasing said cards at the grocery store because of the bogo sale and I was already there getting food. Keep in mind this was almost a month ago (  B bought his card yesterday) . I spent my time reading all the cards to make sure I found the perfect one.  I usually choose long ridiculous sappy cards and then write even more mush on the inside. Personally I think its a little much for B and since he already suffered through birthday and valentines day cards I got a lame card.

All of the cards B has gotten me have disney characters on them.  I'm not sure why because he knows I hate cartoons and disney and the two together are just gross.  But anyway its the thought that counts. His cards are always addressed too and from and say I love you in them, thats it.

The funny part of this story is that I got him the dumb cartoon animal card this time and said I love you.  He got the sappy card and actually wrote a paragraph.  I was super impressed.  Even better than us switching roles was the card he picked I wanted to buy him in the first place.  After we opened the cards he said "whew ' I thought for sure we would have the same card'".

Even though I accuse him of not paying attention, I think through repetition he is finally catching on!
He admitted to almost getting a card with a monkey on it before changing his mind.

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