Thursday, February 16, 2012

Realizations and stereotypes

Yesterday on facebook there was a flood of picture links for various feminist type jobs. Examples, stay at home mom, doula, birth attendant and home birth.  Each has six pictures with captions : with what society thinks, what I think, what my husband wishes, what my mom thinks ect. I shared the home birth one because I thought it was hilarious and true.

After posting I got responses from people who never say anything to me on fb. Asking are you really doing a homebirth? Are you crazy? Don't hippy's do that ect. Some turned into full blown conversations about not being built to birth babies and complications and how scary and dangerous. 
What gives people to comment on my choice? Just because it is not the norm makes it a topic of discussion?  I tried to stay calm and tell myself these people are commenting with lack of knowledge and understanding. If I could just make them see that it is actually the natural thing to do maybe it would be appreciated.  Who am I kidding its 2012 and everyone is right but the person explaining a different point of view. 

Earlier in the week I posted about supporting breastfeeding.  Holy Shit! You would have thought I wanted to take my boob out, spray milk on people and dance in circles.  Are people really that dumb? The debate that ensued was beyond ridiculous.  The post merely said that women should not be prosecuted for breastfeeding in public. With obvious self respect and respect for other shoppers, DUH! I love that starbucks, pizza hut and other food chains are located in various stores so people can walk,shop and eat at the same time.  The same people enjoying there latte and scone are outraged that I would want to "feed" or give my child a "snack" in the store.  I know I'm pregnant and hormonal but what is the damn difference? Its like segregating blacks and whites back in the day, one can eat and sit here and the other cant just because of color.  

 I was reading another blog yesterday and saw this onesie.  I have to have it!

Some light hearted laughter to end the post.  B is getting me an old lady shower chair so that I can continue to shave my legs.  He also got ace and I a dremel ( this grinding tool ).  He is so thoughtful. In all fairness I did ask for both things.  We are so weird I know.  Lucky for him I don't ask for jewelry and expensive shit. Stay tuned for mondays post, it will be a tear jerker. 


  1. People can be so short sighted about birthing options. Unfortunately the birthing culture over the last 50 years or so has led people to view pregnancy as a disease or illness to be treated, rather than a natural process that womens bodies have evolved to perform.

    As long as you're not in a high risk category, there's absolutley no problem with choosing a home birth supervised by birthing professionals who can asssist you to make safe healthy choices througout your delivery.

    It's improtant to respect evryones individual decisions, whether it relates to home birth, or hospital birth, or circumcision, or ear piercing.

    While there are things that we ourselves may not choose, we need to respect that other people wish to exercise their right to make that choice!

    Here's to informed decisions!

  2. Your post is exactly why I don't hesitate to feed Malkin in public. I know I use a cover, but I have the right to nurse him even without that! I could care less if people stare at me. I am NOT feeding him in the car, in a bathroom, or anywhere else! If I am allowed to be there, I am allowed to nurse there. End of story!
