Friday, August 17, 2012

8 weeks

My little man is already 8 weeks old.  Last week he flew across the country to Vegas for the weekend.  

This kid is already spoiled rotten.  The hotel doesn't provide snuggle bunny swings, big shocker so Bean got his own queen big boy bed.  While I may have broken the swing to sleep habit I created a cuddle monster.  Now this kid will only sleep if he is attached to me, thank you baby wearing!

This week he has turned all smiles. He will lye on his play mat at "talk" to the hanging toys.  He tells me "stories" whenever he is held.  He has become so cuddly its irresistible.  On Tuesday he weighed 12 pounds 5 oz and is growing out of size 1 diapers. How can we stay in newborn for 6 weeks and barely get a week in size 1? 

4 oz bottle have been replaced with 9 oz since he easily eats 6+ oz before bed and then another 2+ when he wakes at 2am. The miracle blanket is a big fail in this house, no more swaddle.  0-3 month clothes are too short but too wide and I'm temped to cut off all his footy pj's because his toes are curled.

Happy Birthday Little Man