Thursday, February 2, 2012

Baby Shower Meltdown

I know I have talked about this before but I feel the need to revisit it for a few reasons.  And before going further yes I know its not my job to plan my shower and I should just be surprised. But I can't, plain and simple.

For those of you who are all relaxed and calm, go with the flow type people I envy you.  Once I decide how something should be done my brain has to have it finished that way or else its hell for anyone involved.  Poor B is usually the dog that gets kicked because I take it so personally when things don't go my way.  I'm an adult yet I still throw tantrums when someone does something differently.

So I have to have my nose in my shower because I want it a certain way. Yes all you judgers talk your shit but I can guarantee that my shower will be out of the ordinary.  I am terrified of cartoon-ish blue and white standard decorations.  I don't live in a fairytale, this baby did not come from a stork.  I will be dammed if my shower doesn't look like a party.  I'm just too over the top for that made easy crap.

Being so particular is great and all but sometimes its a flaw.  I just can't stop this roller coaster in my brain about planning and making everything perfect. I also can't ask for help in any project because my over competitive nature has to have the best and the satisfaction of doing it all myself.  It sounds so ridiculous but thats just me.  No wonder why I was a teachers pet and got called names, because I'm still that same kiss ass.

February is categorized as a lovey dovey month because of valentines day.  People get hitched and make babies resulting in tons of november birthdays.  Here nor there it is hands down my favorite month and favorite holiday.  Always has been and always will be.  Great things happen in February. My parents gazillionth anniversary, B's birthday, our anniversary and V Day.  Everyday this month I want to say something I love about B, he deserves it. So here goes:

Day one- He is extremely hard working
Day two - He always makes me laugh

Stay tuned :)

1 comment:

  1. Someone asked me the other day if she would be invited to my shower. I told her I wasn't sure I would be having one, as I don't have a lot of friends or family here to participate, so she offered to throw onw for me, but I have to give her a list of people to invite.

    A really nice offer, and part of me loves having a fuss made about me and my baby, but another part of me knows from experience that planning parties never works for me. People don't turn up, things don't go as planned, and it all ends up being a major disappointment!
    I don't know what to do!!!
