Friday, June 29, 2012

We have a baby!

Lucas Duane 
6-23-12 2:03am 

Friday, June 15, 2012


My due date or guess date or a date baby is supposed to come came and went.  Actually its quite rude that a date is given but the child is still in complete control.

While B and I are both very prompt, I forget that he has 50% of the DNA here.  So far Bean is following in B's birthing steps.. BEING LATE. Which for me was never an option. Hello never say never slap in the face.

B also does not like change at all. He has meltdowns over me getting different soap just because its not the same, then like an adult he complains until is gone about how much he hated said soap.  I think Bean is taking after his father in this aspect as well. Who wants to leave the place they have been happily living just because a date comes around.

Lastly B likes to hold things in reserve and wait until he is ready. Bean is ready, just waiting in there to come when He feels like it.  There is no other reasonable explanation for him to continue hanging out in my womb.

Rules are good.  Rules keep structure. Rules build character.  I could go on and on about rules and why they are awesome and why they are even better now that I'm going to be a parent.
Bean you now have two rules you MUST follow since you clearly blew off my requests for you to come early.
You may not interfere with fathers day dinner. ( that include shoving your feet in my ribs so I can't enjoy my dinner)
You may not come the day that I take Grammie to the zoo.  You have no idea how badly she needs/wants to go.

Thank you son, have a good weekend. Your fine to come out sometime after tuesday.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Due date

Here I am 8 hours into Bean's due date with no Bean.  He must know how much I love being pregnant. How kind and thoughtful he is by allowing me to squeeze in the extra time. Your dad and I really want to enjoy father's day, you may stay until next week. Actually I'm begging you not to come until AFTER the 17th.

Hoping this is the last pregnant photo I ever take

SOOOOO excited for the weekend. I can't wait to see everyone and go "do stuff" so I stop thinking about giving birth.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Watched Pot

Everyday someone enquires about Bean. I am officially a watched pot. A watched pot never boils. I blame all you impatient people (including myself and B) for not having a baby in my arms.

It's too much pressure really. I am miserable being pregnant, not sleeping and being on a "push timer". I want him out badly, more than all of you. If he were here I would be the first to tell everyone the great news " I'm NOT pregnant anymore!!!!".

Its pretty safe to say Bean is waiting until everyone gets here to make his entrance, or he is going to be stubborn and wait until everyone leaves.

B has made it very clear that Bean had better not interfere with father's day dinner. I agree with him. I want to eat awesome food too, and the restaurant owes me me dessert because they were out last time.

I've started working on a vacation schedule of awesome things to do while my parents are in town.

The B and D Inn is open for visitors again. The toilet has been replaced again, the shower head had been replaced again as well.  I've got the pantry and freezer stocked full of food.  The fur piles are all gone at the moment and the dust is at a tolerable level.  Ace and Coon are anxiously awaiting Grammies' return.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Everyone in there mother has a "date" picked out on when Bean will arrive. Some have come and gone while others loom in the distance.

B has become worse than me. He calls multiple times a day asking if I'm contracting and if today is the day.  Its so darn cute watching him get so excited to meet Bean.  Basically my job is to produce this child and to do it quickly.  So far I'm having zero luck.

At my weekly check up yesterday nothing had changed since last week. Big bummer. But I begged for a membrane sweep hoping that would jump start something or at least give Bean another big hint that its time to exit.  It wasn't as uncomfortable as I imagined, day to is where it hurts. OMG today I feel like my lady bits got hit my a semi.

Apparently I've started nesting again.  I baked 3 batches of muffins last night and plan on doing more today. I have a whole list of to-do's I want to finish this week.

Three days until my sister comes to town, and four until my parents get here. I keep telling Bean that he is running out of time, he is unconcerned with arriving on time.  Lord help us all if he chooses to be late like his Daddy.

p.s and your mommy is sick of being on watched pot status by EVERYONE! 

Friday, June 8, 2012


Finally photo upload from our maternity shoot on mothers day.

And for all inquiring minds I'm still pregnant.  Hump-tine calls and texts will not make this baby come any faster.

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Bad things happen to good people.  Even though I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, sometimes I have doubt too. 

During our 7 weeks of classes all of us couples ended up getting close by the end.  It just happens that way even if no one talks or tries to be friendly.  Anyhow, the other day I learned that one of the couples had lost their son via stillborn at 36 weeks.  

While it is not my place to share about the story, it did bring me back to reality.  Bean will come when he wants, how he wants and nothing I do will force him out.  I am so thankful to have had such an easy pregnancy even though complaining gets the best of me.  

In perspective just knowing Bean is alive and healthy is what is important.  His birthday will be the most profound memory I have whether its today, tomorrow or two weeks from now.  Its just a day, his birth is what is important.  

Time to put on my big girl panties, accept the fact that I could be pregnant for another 2 weeks and move on with life.  B and I are back to making weekend plans and I am officially un-hermitting myself from the casa.  

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Happy Birthday to my one and only Mother.  She is like a fine wine, getting better and better as the years go by. And getting slightly more like my nana giving me a few chuckles here and there.  Lets face it, its way cooler to be a grandma and a mom, you have no rules or responsibilities times 2! Anyhow happy happy birthday (insert jingle from red lobster or any other food establishment). 

Today is also the day I give up. You win kid. Stay as long as you want.  None of the other boys in this house listen so why should you.  Enjoy your stay, hope you are nice and cozy. Besides if I tell your dad that today is the day one more time he is going to commit harry carey.  While you continue to invade my womb I will no longer be sitting at home waiting for you. I'm getting out of this damn house and getting "mommy time"!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


After a very encouraging appointment yesterday I need to re-elvaluate my goals AGAIN.

I'm convinced that the clouds hid the moon on purpose last night, forcing me to stay pregnant for one more night.

I'm being generous in giving Bean today or tomorrow to make an appearance.

Preferably tomorrow, not only is it Grammies birthday, its also a solar eclipse. ( trying the whole atmosphere thing again)

Wednesday is during the week, allowing the birth center to be quiet.

Its also the 3rd day of the week. (3's are my favorite)

All bags are ready and in the car.

All snacks have been gathered and I have my post birth meal waiting in the fridge.

I did all the dishes and laundry, went MAJOR grocery shopping.

Basically this baby has to come, I'm bored and finished everything I was procrastinating on doing.

On a funny note while walking in the bullshit cloud light last night B stumbled upon a snake in the road.  A decent 3-4 ft brown/black snake.  Since that falls under my "department" I almost stepped on it not paying attention. B was long gone and jumped at every little shadow on the second lap.  It was quite comical to watch him jump from side to side at absolutely nothing.

Monday, June 4, 2012

This kid!

Weeks spent taking EPO-3
Weeks spent drinking RRLT-3
Weeks spent hydrating with coconut water-2
Hours spent talking to Bean- countless
Hours spent doing Pelvic Rocks- countless
Hours spent on birthball- countless
Miles walked in "moon light"-2
Eaten one whole pineapple
Tried every damn exercise in the book to encourage this kid to come out


Sunday, June 3, 2012


Its official.
The belly button has popped out indicating baby is done cooking.
We have purchased all additional items for Bean.
I can no longer wear my ring, morning, noon or night.
Wearing shoes is impossible, Even B's shoes are to tight for these marshmallows.
I had the great displeasure of buying depends.

Since everything is done I declare this pregnancy over.  Now if Bean would get the hint and just decide to be born all would be right in the world.

On the eve of June's full moon, I can only hope that the gravitational pull will be getting him out and not holding him in.  Besides the typical "bloody show" and my water breaking I have had everything else indicating labor, but no baby to show for it.

I have tried everything to get this baby out. He will not budge. Not even a little.  How has he not learned in the 9 1/2 months cohabiting that I do not like to wait, I am impatient and like things in order.

To top off still being pregnant, having contractions, not sleeping and all around being miserable I woke up with bright green sticky conjunctiva. Basically I woke up Asain and now my eyes are swollen shut with green glue.