Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Press Rewind

Over the weekend B and I went to Busch Gardens for the day.  The first thing I noticed about this money making enterprise is that it costs $14 just to park, However they do provide a courtesy shuttle.  Once getting to the gate I start observing the mass chaos.  It is still Christmas break and there are people EVERYWHERE!  Next stop the ticket window: The sign reads $79 for a one day pass, it should read hand over your first born and your wallet if you ever want to come back.  I will admit I made the first mistake of the trip, I handed B a map.  While a map might seem like a good idea I can assure you it's not.  With map in hand our leisurely stroll came to a screeching halt while Indian Jones ( B ) mapped our course.  Keep in mind this adventure would have been more fun had I not been sitting on the couch for 3 months prior.  Fast forward three hours: huffing puffing pregnant lady can barely walk and is DONE with theme parks, Indian Jones has to ride the train.  Pardon me for asking for a drink, heaven forbid we miss the train. After a mini melt down by Indiana, running to catch his beloved train, we made it!

His hand is raised in this picture 
Also this weekend we got to see our Bean for the "big" scan.  We had a great ultrasound tech this time, not the cold as ice snatch from before.  I just have to say that my son is already an over achiever.  The tech prepped us that sometimes the babies wiggle and squirm all over making it difficult to get all the measurements needed.  My son just laid there happy as a clam to let her measure.  Only a mom can brag about that, so I did!  The tech did indicate that Bean was slightly smaller than expected, causing me to freak out.  The midwife assured me that everything was still normal and Bean was still healthy.  I had gained 5 pound and lost 3 making a grand total of 2 gained.  That calls for a small baby and I, the babies oven am small so shove it!

this picture doesn't show the teeth marks
The last exciting this we had to do this weekend is cat proof the house.  Coon has always been more of a wild cat than an indoor cuddly one.  He is constantly getting into things and no discipline seems to matter.  He most recent accomplishment is learning how to open the closet doors.  One night while perfecting his skills he managed to drag an entire bag of onions into the kitchen and livingroom.  Apparently the mass amount of toys we provide are not nearly as fun as onions.  Now that he has mastered the skill we hear banging and crashing until he gets what he wants.  Yesterday he choose to test my patience once again.  Coon usually eats only raw meats unless I'm lazy and then he eats dry cat food.  Last night I fed him fresh steak, he wanted dry food, I did not give in.  He showed me by going to the closet where the food is, opened the doors and Beethovened his way through the bag of food.  Coon wins, I loose.  We now have childproof locks on the doors to keep the cat out.  That down right pissed Coon off so it will only be a matter of time before he succeeds in chewing the lock off.

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