Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Did you hear me?

Pregnancy has robbed me of what little patience I had making me super rational all the time.  Lately I've been telling B that there is no point in me talking because 5 seconds later he asks the same question again.  The other night he tells me " you used to sound so happy when I called what happened?" I replied with " that was before I was reliving groundhog day every time I answered".  Case in point I'm being sensitive, emotional and a complete bitch for no reason.  So when B had the opportunity to call me out he sure as hell did!

Saturday we went to the midwifes office.  B reminds me that I need a letter clearing me for a prenatal massage.  I agree and spout off with something like "ya ya, I won't forget".  Her office is packed and the letter slipped my mind and I totally forgot.  On the way to the bank B says you forgot to get the letter, I said  " it's ok I will just have her email it to me and we can print it".

Fast forward to tuesday night
Me " Damn, I forgot tot get that letter"
B " laughing, I know don't you remember"
Me " no, we never talked about this"
B " yes on the way to the bank"
Me " I complete the conversation that we had"
B " So you are human, you're not perfect after all"

Big foot in mouth for me.  He wins! I not only forgot the letter but the conversation and the solution as well.  Needless to say he has had a field day with my recent forgetfulness.

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