Friday, January 13, 2012

Large Marge

I admit, the title is slightly exaggerated.  Its how big I feel though.  Its about time I start embracing this bump, its only getting bigger.  Bean is now the size of a large mango.  He is half the length of a ruler and weighs around 8-10oz.

Things I noticed this week:
1. Bean hates when I get tickled.  He balls up on one side and my belly looks ridiculous.
2. I have a huge appetite again.  I can eat all day!
3. I have to fight with B just to sleep with my snoogle
4. I have lost hours staring at my belly waiting for it to move.
5. None of my old clothes fit.
6. I feel great all day but I need an afternoon nap.
7. Its harder to get in my bed.
8. I think I had my first BH contraction and it sucked.

Things I would tell B if he would listen:
1. Stop sleeping with MY snoogle!
2. Don't eat my cheetos, I don't want to share food now!
3. Its so cute when you sing and talk to Bean.
4. Its not cute when you point out all my stretch marks or how much I've grown.  I laugh but I'm punching you inside.

Things I tell Bean daily:
1. I love you.
2. Be ready for your brothers.
3. Kick hard so B can feel it.
4. Do not stay in my belly until late june.

Not too bad for almost 5 months 

1 comment:

  1. Very nice!
    People keep telling me how little I look and saying things like "you don't look pregnant", but I feel HUGE! Maybe it's bloat. 19 weeks today!
