Wednesday, March 7, 2012

You know your pregnant when.....

1. Asking the waiter for a "hidden" menu
2. Order spicy shrimp at 10am and then pecan french toast
3. Consider the need of the dropped item before attempting to squat, kneel, or fold it two to retrieve item
4. Start drooling at t.v. food commercials
5. Questions are answered in weeks (auto-pilot), even if the pregnancy was not the question 
6. Extra time is needed for wardrobe malfunctions
7. If I had a nickel for every time I went pee we could send Bean to college
8. Walking into a room 3 or 4 times and still have no idea why
9. Heartburn comes just from thinking about making dinner 
10. It takes the whole bed and a bunch of pillows to sleep

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