Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Parenting 101

So since joining the Crunchy Moms Group, I have been invited to parenting seminars.  One I think this is awesome, two I will be honest and say I need it.  For those that know me in a day to day setting I do not have a role model mouth.  Dear Aunt Nancy has never heard so many fowl words before.  While I don't try to be be down right nasty, I have a habit of speaking my mind.  For everyones sake hopefully this class will teach me to be nice. 

As so as I became pregnant I started thinking about parenting and how I was going to go about being strict with boundaries yet have a home full of love.  B is the care free relaxed one who never gets upset.  He never yells and has more patience than anyone I know.  To this day I have only heard him say the F word a handful of times.  I on the other hand would have already said F*** before thinking of a word to replace it.  I have an awful mouth, a temper and little to zero patience even when I'm really trying.  I'm really not the soft and fuzzy mom that I want to be, so time to go to mommy school.  

B and I were generally raised the same.  We both have work ethic, responsible, contributing members to society ect.  So the foundation of what we want our child to be is the same, the way we get there is different.  Back to the differences of the first and second child for a moment.  As the first child I was independent, focused on excelling, I wanted to do it right the first time every time.  Leading to frustration because not everything is perfect the first time around... I get it now! B on the other hand had no rules, was loved and encouraged to have fun as a kid. So even in relaxed parenting, successful children are raised.  Two people, two paths, same outcome.  I want the second path for Bean. 

As I mentioned before I am the mom who would use the phrase " what the F happened" before I could calmly ask Bean why something happened.  For B and the Bean, I want to be better.  I want to change my mean judging side into a calm understanding one.  In mommy school I will be learning attachment parenting.....The essence of Attachment Parenting is about forming and nurturing strong connections between parents and their children. Attachment Parenting challenges us as parents to treat our children with kindness, respect and dignity, and to model in our interactions with them the way we'd like them to interact with others.

Hopefully this will help and I will learn some great things.  The more I read and the more I learn I really want to parent with love rather than authority and anger.  Granted Bean is not here yet and I have no idea what my job entails and Mom.  Check back when Bean is here I know myself and I'm sure that the F word will always be handy.  I do apologize in advance Bean, I do want to be nice and gentle, and I am working on it.  Be patient and I promise I will be the best mommy I can be. 

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