Friday, November 18, 2011

Mommy Group

So after five weeks of trying I finally made it to a mommy meeting.  I am so glad I went! It was so nice to be able to talk freely about home birth, cloth diapering and getting our significant others on board.  I met a young mom who brought her 5 week old son, he was so adorable and didn't make a peep the whole six hours we stayed.  Yes, I said six hours! Its supposed to be from 10am to noon, I arrived home at almost 4pm.  I forgot how much I missed being able to converse with other women.

 I was able to see first hand how the cloth diapers work, see the different types in person and hear feed back about what works best.   I am so excited to start getting them! To all baby shower participants we will not be having diapers unless they are cloth and from specific retailers.  Sorry to be a B but its a special bum we are talking about and cancer filled gels will be no where Bean.  Instead of eating dinner I watched an hour of cloth diapering videos on youtube, boring to some fascinating to others.  For less than $500 we could diaper our baby until preschool with the same set of diapers, no size n to 3 here!  Studies also show that cloth diapered babies potty train faster, yes a perk that is awesome.

The uproar in vaccinating kids was more intense than I expected.  Granted there are benefits to vaccinating, breast fed babies get all the protectants they need straight from the boob.  While I still have plenty of time to research all infant vaccines I will strongly decline any that contain aborted fetal cells.  Most vaccines have other baby cells in them, to host the strain of virus.  The medical society if benefiting from the loss of these children, its disgusting.

I also need to start looking for a pediatrician because most refuse to take home birth babies.  Really????? What is different about my baby than a hospital baby? It's still a baby is it not?  Ridiculous, I know I could never give birth in a hospital, I am entirely too combative and would call them on there money hungry ways.  I get fired up just thinking about insurance and hospitals taking advantage of women and using the line " its best for you baby" to get a pay out.

Gender update: Yes we have it scheduled for December 20th.  Yes you all will have to wait until Christmas morning to find out! Sorry loves its just the way it has to be.  Baby Girl you still don't have a name :( hopefully you have boy parts instead.

Picture Time: Before anyone laughs, yes I have ballooned this week, and yes I say the every week but check out my new and improved speed-hill.  


  1. I love your blog! I enjoyed meeting you at mommy group and showing you cloth diapers. I wish I could keep going to the group but work will start soon. :( I also told people not to bring dipes or wipes to my shower. I put it in the invite. Any dipes or wipes I got I exchanged for store credit to get other baby things. If you have ANY questions about diapering, baby wearing, vaccines, etc. let me know!

  2. We can still meet up on our own! You were so helpful, thanks for all the talking yesterday. I'm sure I will have tons of questions. The vaccine info blew my mind yesterday!

  3. Vaccination is a touchy subject. However, most homebirthing people are willing to hear the other side. Everyone else would think I'm nuts for even thinking about delaying or not vaccinating. That's why I don't tell my friends or family! :)
