Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Two average size adults can fit in a queen bed easily.  One average adult, one pregnant adult, and a preggle pillow DO NOT fit in a queen size bed.  Admittedly it is my fault, I can't get comfortable no matter what position I try.  The pillow has increased my comfort level ten fold, the only downside is its the size of a person.  While the comfort level has been addressed, there is still a position problem.

While being pregnant there are too many rules. For instance sleeping recommendations for a pregnant woman are : sleep on the left side allowing maximum blood flow to fetus and allows gas to expel the boy easiest.  The problem with that is that it sucks.  I was a side sleeper before, now I am a back/stomach sleeper. A big No No for preggos. Laying on my back seems to be heaven, no boobs are squished, my beached whale of a belly is not compromised and my new pillow provides excellent neck support.  The downside is constantly feeling guilty for feeling comfortable while compromising Bean.  Sleeping on my stomach seems to stop things from growing for a moment and the pressure subsides the aching boobs.  I have ultimately decided to give the finger to sleep recommendations.  A man probably decided this rule and has no idea what it is like to sleep.

On the topic of sleeping, B actually registered for a co-sleeper.  I am particularly excited about this.  I had never breached the subject before, as I had already asked for a homebirth and cloth diapers.  While in babies-r-us, we go down the sleeping isle and B clicks away at a co-sleeper bed.  I ask him if he knows what it is, and explain that Bean would be sleeping in between us.  He claims he knows and thinks its going to be much easier.  We will be able to see him and make sure he is ok.  In the future I can foresee a problem getting Bean out of bed with us but for now I think Its sweet that B actually had an input on something.


  1. Sleeping wise I'm choosing comfort over what a book says!

    I have a friend who always had her daughter in bed with her and her partner because they believed in co-sleeping, now she has a 7 year old who refuses to sleep in her own bed! I'm not sure co-sleeping is for me, but it's awesome that B is getting involved and feeling comfortable enough to get involved in big choices like that!!

  2. I was against the co-sleeping until I read about the benefits. I was willing to give it a try since B was so for it. It will be easier to nurse with him in bed with us. I am going to try to wean him out of our bed to either the bassinet or the pack and play once he is older and the risk of sids decreases. I want him to be used to sleeping on his own before he can actually become attached to sleeping with us. Its hard to tell what will actually happen though.

  3. Ok. I used a pregnancy pillow (the Snoogle) and I LOVED it! I put it on the edge of the bed and had the bottom part between my legs and laid on the top part (it looks like a giant "C"and I would face the curved part). Anyways it made sleeping so comfy since I had to be on my side (and you want to be because as your belly grows you can't lay on it, and being on your back will cause shortness of breath). I still use it, but it is folded in half with a pillow stuffed into it and I use it to lean back on when I nurse M in the middle of the night.

    As far as cosleeping, I never thought in 1 million years that we'd be doing it (or that K would allow it) but we love it! Night nursing is easy because I can respond to him right when he makes a peep and before he goes into an all out scream. It makes for better sleep for all, and it reduces the risk of SIDS when baby is near mom when sleeping. Once he sleeps at least 6-hour stretches regularly I will transition him to crib. But for now it is what works for us! :)
