Monday, December 26, 2011

The Replacements

So Christmas is over, the radio goes back to normal, people no longer crowd the stores and holiday cheer disappears.  In my case is disappeared for B the second I received the preggie pillow from my mom.

While getting ready for bed I over hear B having a conversation with Ace.  Keep in mind Ace is a dog.  So B is telling Ace that remember how he felt when mommy brought home Coon? Well thats called being replaced.  B then says " mommy got that pillow so I might as well go sleep in the other room".  Mean while I am quietly laughing over the ridiculousness unfolding in my bedroom.  Skip ahead ten minuets or so.....
B-" are you really bringing that thing to bed with you?"
Me- " Yea, its a pillow, where else should I use it?"
B-" do you still need your other pillow?"
Me-" Yes,"
B-" well I guess i will go sleep in the spare room"
Me-" Your a drama queen, get over yourself, its a pillow.  Your telling me your jealous over a pillow?"
B-" I can't put my leg here anymore, I'm not comfortable"

Moral of this story is that I am in pregnant heaven, B is miserable.  Too bad because this thing rocks.  I could probably catch him snuggled up to it if I left it unattended.

The arrow is in leu of " I'm a boy"
My main post today is about Bean.  Bean is officially a boy.  After keeping a secret for 5 days, this is the last place to share the news.

We get the appointment early, I fell like my insides are going to fall out.  The machine gets turned on, I get comfortable on the table thingy.  I tell B, if this ones a girl we are trying for more.  The tech finds Bean, we hear the heartbeat and see his face.  Then she goes in for the goods, I remember the room going silent as we held our breathe waiting to hear.  The tech said "it's a boy". I started crying and shaking from excitement.  I kept asking her if she was sure, like 100% and then some.  She assured me that it was in fact a boy.  B replied, "one and done!".  I think I was so happy I was in shock.  All the way home I just kept saying "I can't believe it".

So much for needing to come to grips with having a girl.  We wanted a boy and we got a boy! I have to say even though in the beginning I wanted to wait to know the gender, I wouldn't change it now.  I'm not quite sure who is more excited that its a boy.  Both sides of our family couldn't be happier, and B has this glow about him now ( he kinda walks around like a puffed up chicken).

I can't believe my next check up marks almost 18 weeks.  Its time to start planning the baby shower, and  get my ass in gear about Bean's nursery.

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo!! A Boy!!!!
    Excellent news guys!

    What kind of pregnency pillow did your mum get you? I keep hearing about how good they are but I don't know if I want one myself.
