Sunday, October 16, 2011

Three days of catch up...

To those few of you that are already following my blog I apologize for already falling short in my postings.  Nothing eventful happened on friday that I can remember, however friday also feels like a millennium ago. Saturday was full of "first's" for both Daddy and I. We explored the rattlesnake festival which was less than worth the twenty minute drive.  This festival did provide plenty of comic relief as some festival-er's made quite the spectacle of themselves.  I now have this need to eat all the time, so while we were at said festival it was time for FOOD.  My choices were as follows: funnel cake (tasty fried goodness), sausage sandwich( gross even before being pregnant), chicken dinner( at 11am really?) and then a hotdog( lesser of all evils I chose you).  So after two trips around the vendors, wild cat viewing and visuals of the so called snakes we left.

Fast forward to around 3 pm, mommy is on the verge of a meltdown.  Too many bottles of water, too many trips to the bathroom with not enough naps or food in between calls for one cranky momma.  Bless your Daddy who suggests a snack and then a nap! Heck yes, why didn't this happen sooner.  I'm sorry "Bean" we had Wendy's not a very healthy snack but it was food for crying out loud.  Finally nap time and my bladder has other plans (lame, all I want is five minutes).  Since my nap time was only a figment of imagination time to get ready for dinner and a night on the town.

"Bean" seems to tolerate salad very well, at least I can consume more than three bites with out feeling awful.  With that being said I have had a minimum of three servings of salad a day for the last week, until I discovered the good ol' baked potato.  Talk about delicious, warm fluffy goodness with a touch of butter good for both of us!  Food seems to be something that is repulsive yet I force myself to nourish this growing baby its my job after all.

To cut this short as the good ol' puter is dying and I have to pee again I will sum up last night and today in a few short sentences.  Being DD at a night club while 16+ others enjoyed bottles of vodka and tequila was not nearly as bad as I expected it to be.  I still danced my rear off, sipped my lemon water and had great conversation.  Daddy is paying for his night this morning while I'm paying for being knocked up.... (harmless fun, I love that I am about to be a mommy).  Sunday, today I loathe you, my cramps and this sickness that is flowing in my bones today.  This has been the worst day so far, yes I still took my vitamins, yes I forced half of my breakfast down and had OJ and H2O, as for getting off the couch today YA RIGHT!

Off topic side note, if my cat ever decides to dump 5 gallons of Gain detergent off the shelf in the laundry room while I am napping, I might just give up and leave it.  Over an hour of clean up, stained walls, loads of soap soaked towels and one dizzy nauseous mommy = gato in the doghouse.

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