Friday, October 14, 2011

Days Since Tuesday

My goal is to keep my pregnancy journal here instead of on paper.  Since I have been so graciously allowed to stay home and grow "Bean" I hope to write something everyday.

Currently I have around 35 weeks to go, this will be confirmed at my appointment in a few weeks.  On tuesday other than the four positive tests I felt fine, no cramps and my backache disappeared.  Wednesday I had cramps that were shockingly strong and the constant low back pain had retuned.   Wednesday was the day that I had my first doctors appointment, that was a disappointment and an aggravation. The urine test at the doctor came back negative, "what! Are you kidding me? Did you use my pee?" I was shocked, angry and then I started second guessing what my body and now five tests had confirmed.  So what does any sensible woman who thinks she is pregnant do? Well she goes and buys more tests... E.P.T, Clearblue and countless others will never go out of business.  Two more tests were positive, one plus sign and two pink lines, for most women that would be enough.  Not for this momma, I took one last DIGITAL test, fool proof in my eyes and this blinked YES as soon as the pee landed(just like that creepy commercial).

In addition to the urine test at the doctor they choose to confirm with a blood test, great for me and bad for me (more waiting).  Daddy B choose to refrain from all the drama that I was putting into "testing" and just wait it out like a typical dude.  I on the other hand called at least eight times before five o'clock and continued to get stonewalled.  I then proceeded to call the lad that did the test, they had the test results but could not release them over the phone...... Ugh at this point I'm about to loose my mind.  Now its time to wait until the NEXT morning to find out what I already knew.

Thursday comes around like its christmas and I waited all year.  Five minutes after the office opens I'm dialing my phone.... waiting, waiting waiting.... Nurse gets on phone and says" congrats, its positive" I reply with "thank you, I told the doctor I was pregnant yesterday" I thank her again and kindly encourage her not to let mommy's wait in the future.  Now that it is confirmed confirmed let the calling begin.  Daddy is finally pleased to know that its the "real deal".  My mom is over the moon excited, My dad on the other hand not so excited, more shocked but who could blame him? Daddy tells a few more family members and friends and thats that for now.  I feel like pure crap today too.  Off to sleep now since I can't get enough of it these days.

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