Thursday, October 20, 2011

Baby Bean

Let me start off by saying if I get in trouble for sharing this story it will be worth it when "Bean" has the chance to read back on my memories of being pregnant.  In yesterdays post I talked about this chicken crock-pot.... Well when B came home I warned him that it was gross and I wasn't going to be eating it.  He replied with EWW, you're going to make me eat it? I responded well yes, I'm the pregnant one not you, its just chicken.  In the end we both ate it and I'm still burping it up.  

We have this ridiculous ritual of standing on the scale both in the morning and the evening before bed, its a little game we play to see who weighs less.... Stupid right, I win every time its not really fair but so be it.  Back to the point, last night we see who wins and I do like usual, the only difference is B keeps gaining.  I think this is hilarious because I have yet to gain an ounce, and B seems to be perplexed.  I try to ask him if its the lack of exercise or the increased amount of food he consumes?  He says its neither and he is just getting fat, I'm all for it since sooner or later I will be packing on the pounds..... Winning at this point in time!

So to the sweet part of this post, the part that will get me in trouble should B find I made it public... Last night while we were laying in bed talking about the baby since that is the only topic worth discussing, I ask B " are you excited yet?" he replies with " no, I don't like to wait". I probed further mainly because that is a stupid excuse, " So if I was due tomorrow you would be excited?" He said" yes, I'm impatient I don't like waiting..." Ahh-ha! I see.  Still silly in my opinion, but deep down he is just as excited as me- examples to follow.... 
From the Daddy who is not excited: ( not excited by his own admission)
He talks to baby Lucas (now named, no longer "Bean")
Planning his future, 
Talking to my belly
Asking how big Lucas is today
Planning the nursery
Looking at baby stuff
Researching the midwife
The list goes on and n, but I can definitely say he isn't excited either, YA RIGHT! 
Love you dear, its ok to be excited and show emotion even though you think it will make you soft... 

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