Saturday, October 22, 2011

Diaper Bag Search

Yes it seems frivolous, superficial as well as a waste of money BUT...... I really really want the perfect diaper bag.  B and I are so lucky that we will be getting so much baby stuff from our family that there really is nothing to go out and buy.  One one hand how awesome is that?, but on the other its sad that I wont be doing a lot of shopping.  With that being said, my mother now refers to me as a name snob, meaning I cant just go to wally-world for stuff anymore making my diaper bag hunt very difficult.

I have been searching and searching for that perfect bag with no success.  Yes, I realize it is so early to be needing such a thing right away, so let me explain the importance from my point of view.
1. Functionality- as my purse will be M.I.A once baby arrives
2. Trendy/Neutral- since we are not finding out the sex
3. Unique- mainly because I am not ordinary and want something super special
4. Love it- after all I will be carrying it for a long time
5. Durable- must with stand all the packing, lugging, spit up that could happen
6. Indecisive- it takes for ever for me to choose a regular purse let alone something that will be carrying everything baby and I need
7. Price- yes I want an awesome bag, no I will not pay the sticker price for a Kate Spade bag.
Case in point I must find a bag that meets all the criteria and for the right price.  Once I find the bag then the coupon lady can come out and get it for a steal.  TJMAXX, MARSHALLS, ROSS and other outlets beware, I will be avidly searching your racks.

I can not thank our friends and family enough for all of the baby things that have been acquired.  Our baby isn't going to need anything when its born, and with all the cousins we might just be set until college!

My post really wasn't a rant or rave just my own self justification for wanting an awesome bag.  Also I am getting extremely impatient knowing that we will get to see "Bean" in just a few days!!!!!!

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