Wednesday, October 26, 2011


This post is mainly for Baby Bean, to prepare him/her for the ruckus that these brothers bring to our home. First off I should mention that how cool is it to have a two legged baby, a three legged dog and a four legged cat! All bases covered here, corny I know, but it is a little funnier when you know that all our names currently start the alphabet.
Dear Bean,
Brother Ace, he is a good dog.   Very gentle, calm and collected.  He tends to be a judger like your mother, and grandmother... I guess it just runs in the family, we are good people I swear!  Ace loves to play with toys, something that could be a problem in the future( sharing is caring in our house, I hope to teach you differently).  Ace is a herding dog, he will circle and pace around you, its his job and I can't stop him.  He will grow to love you once he finishes pouting. He tends to be very territorial and will bark at anyone/thing that puts him on edge( everything lately).  Baby Bean, this is the brother that you could really enjoy once you're old enough to know what a doggy is.  I would advise not pulling his long tail, yes it is tempting, yes you might be bitten.  I should introduce you to your other brother now.

Brother Coon, is a cat.  An upfront disclaimer- he only likes your father and is a real pain in my a**.  Coon is the opposite of your good brother, he will bite just for fun.  He will steal you toys and socks or anything else that fits in his mouth.  Coon is lucky that he is so cute because he has no manners.  Coon will likely jump on you, bat at your face, try to eat your food.  He has no manners at all, he runs this house an no amount of discipline has helped.  Baby Bean, your dad feels that Coon is an angel and will be better by the time you arrive.  As your mother I will do my best to keep the cat away from your face and other belongings.

Bean, you really have a great family that is waiting to meet you.  I hope you will be an animal lover like I am.  I hope that we can experience the zoos, wildlife parks and aquariums together.  You can't hear me yet but I read to you every day.  When is gets closer to your arrival hopefully you will know my voice, daddy's, coon's howls and ace's bark.
We love you Bean,

 That face says it all..... up to no good 

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