Friday, October 14, 2011

4 Weeks and Counting

To those who know me, or those that knew me, I am pregnant..... Yes a shock to all.  Since journalling has become a past and blogging is now the future I figured I should start while I'm still ahead.  As corny as it sounds about two weeks ago I just KNEW.  All signs and symptoms pointed to crazy not pregnant.  Dr Google informed me that there was a two week wait, basically torture until its time to pee on a stick.  Fast forward 10 long days, I could not wait any longer.  Need I remind you all that I am extremely impatient and for crying out loud I already KNEW.... Tuesday rolls around and I decide to take a shot in the dark and try to get an answer(keep in mind I'm still 7, SEVEN whole days early).  Two minutes are up and to my shock and pure excitement two pink lines appear.  After jumping up and down, yes looking liked extremely goofy, but hey no one was home to share my news.  I still wasn't sure, so I set out on a mission to get every test possible.

By now its 3pm, no first morning pee for me, as I have been going every five seconds.  Time to get serious, three different tests laid out on the counter all different brands and all different sensitivities.  Walking away and waiting those awful two minutes was worse than this morning.  Good news, or scary or crap I'm pregnant revealed three more positives!

The first call when to Aunt N, then my Mother, the finally four whole hours later Daddy B came home and I got to share our news.  As far as reactions from the mentioned above: Aunt N was very pleased and I was instructed to be careful, Mother was excited shouted to the ladies in her office "I'm a grandma" and then told me to get a blood test before she got too excited.  Daddy was trickier his excitement came after the shock.  Don't let him fool you, He is just as excited to meet our little "bean" as I am.

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