Friday, October 28, 2011

First Ultrasound

It goes like this...... lots of waiting.  Our appointment was at 6pm, the midwife called to reschedule to 6:30pm.  I obliged due to 7 boxes of tools to put away, trash to take out and a roll cart to load. At 6pm we leave the house to be on time ( too early to leave for future appointments).  We wait as patiently as we can until 6:35 to call the midwife who at this point is MIA.  To waste time we drive back to the gas station so I can pee, that takes a whole 10 minutes and still no midwife!!!! Finally 7:15 a car pulls into the parking lot, ahhhh the midwife has arrived!! After a little over an hour of waiting its finally time to see our bean.

The first appointment went amazing.  The midwife is very on track with the type of birth I want, plus for me and baby.  She was so easy going, I felt comfortable right away instead of stiff an intimidated like at a regular obgyn.  I'm choosing to do natural prenatal care as well as all natural labor.  Minimal tests and screening throughout my pregnancy as long as mom and baby are healthy! Yay for getting poked in the arm less!  She strongly recommends oils, herbs and teas instead of man made vitamins, no more constipation in addition to a better source of nutrients. At the end we went through questions and birth plans, home birth vs birthing center.  Our choice below:

HomeBirth Vs. Birthing Center
Why I am choosing home birth, comfort and connivence of my own home.  Our family's can be present.  Our midwife allows me to eat and drink throughout the birth (no ice chips here). Personally that is one of my favorite perks, I don't know how any woman can go through labor without nourishing her body.  The midwife and her team do all the clean up (something I thought I got stuck doing).  All laboring is done at home, no rushing like at the hospital, no constant checking for progress.  No IV, which is awesome! Probably the best thing about having a home birth is that after Bean is born B and I get to spend an hour bonding, feeding, or taking to him before any tests are done.  This family time is absolutely a deal breaker when it comes to choosing where to have this baby.  Our little family needs that precious time after birth.

The birthing center has some great amenities as well, but has downsides that I had not expected.  Florida is not a big state for birthing centers, meaning there is only one near by.  That one birthing center also has one birthing tub! In short first come first serve.  A non-refundable $150 is required to use the tub whether I use it or not. Poo on them!  Eating is questionable at this birthing center in addition to who can be in the room.  I would hate to have to choose between people when it came time to deliver.  It is still an option, however despite B's insistence on a hospital birth this baby is coming into the world where it was made, right here at home!

After the hour long wait, the hour long conversation it was finally time for my ultrasound.  I was so excited and nervous.  The look on B's face was priceless.  My belly gets all lubed up, machine is on and its go time.  What we first see, my basketball sized bladder, and then the sack.  I being blind as a bat had trouble seeing it, Daddy on the other hand did not.  He ran to the screen to show me pointing and jumping up and down that he sees our little baby.  I wish I could have gotten that on video, one of the most precious moments yet.  We get to seen Bean in two more weeks and will have pictures to share! And we are 1 week ahead of schedule, due June 17th! Maybe we will have a fathers day baby.

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