Monday, April 2, 2012


As the weeks keep ticking by, delivery is getting closer and closer.  With less than 10 weeks to go its starting to really freak me the F out.  I keep dreaming about it too, which makes the anxiety worse.

I wish I could say it was the pain that scared me, but its not.  I feel very strongly about having a natural delivery.  The thought of a c-section can practically make me physically ill.  I guess its the finality of it that makes me anxious.  He HAS to come out, there are no other options.

I have seen dogs, cats, and farm animals give birth like its no big deal.  I have watched countless baby stories and birth videos, but OMG! really I have to push that out.

Back when I was a kid my sister had pregnant barbie.  That plastic bitch has it made, the belly just pops off giving her a baby and a six pack.  I could car less about the six pack but being able to open a trap door to my womb and take Bean would be awesome.

We start birth classes on wednesday.  Hopefully that will set my mind at ease. I am considering videoing our session since I can't rely on pregnancy brain to document anything these days.

Happy Monday. I am off to the gym in celebration of breaking up with the couch.

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