Thursday, April 5, 2012

Water Birth Class

B and I have been scheduled to take this class since the first week of March.  That is a lot of time for anticipation to build up. With that being said knowing I'm overly Type A as well as an over achiever I pretty much trumped the class.

Since getting pregnant I read and read thinking it would make me more prepared. I can't say for sure since Bean isn't here, but I have learned a lot and forced B to learn with me.  I have turned countless friday nights into movie premiers to get B to watch babies being born and understand what happens in labor.

So a few days before class I was getting excited and freaking out about what to wear and what to bring ect ect.  The anxiety of not having instructions prior to going was not cool.  Come to find out all we had to do was sit and watch.

We arrive like eager beavers ahead of time (heaven forbid being late to such an important thing).  There was another couple and one lady attending besides us.  A lady comes in tells us the pros about water birth,  the history of water birth and then says we are going to watch a movie.

There isn't quite a way to describe the tension once the nakedness appears on t.v.  Awkward is a mediocre  way of describing it but will do.  There is nothing like watching full nudity births with people you've never met.

In conclusion since I had already researched and watched making class uninformative. Boo
However we did get the chance to experience the super awesome russian video with other people, ranking it up there with learning about sex ed in school.

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