Friday, April 27, 2012

Sunny Side Up

Only my son would start being stubborn and in control already.  He must be following suit from his brothers who don't give a rats ass about my rules or expectations of them.
Prime example right here! And he just started drinking my coffee!

Anyways, Bean has been quite the prankster.  From hiding well in my womb to kicking the cat through my belly and now continuing to stay sunny side up He is really giving me a run for my money.  Two weeks ago he was still quite comfy in the transverse position.  Thanks to the chiropractor we got him back to head down. Now he needs to turn around! 

Apparently posture has a lot to do with babies position, go figure.  Basically that means no more recliner, no more slouching, back sleeping or any other comfortable position.  So far I'm on day two of sitting and standing like I'm nailed to a board and its the farthest thing from being fun.  I have also been encouraged to start stretching and arching my back like a cat. We shall see on monday if this actually works. 

For humor here is another awesome birth conversation had between B and I. 

Me- this baby really needs to turn, Its not in my plan to have a 30 hour labor
B- what do you even do for 30 hours?
Me- Labor? have contractions? Idk, but from what people say its hard and long
B- oh, thats like more than a day, how is that even possible? What if I want a break?
Me- you don't get one, rest now!

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