Thursday, May 31, 2012

Life Alert

Honestly blogging has been boring.  Resulting in a lack of posting.

I'm not sure how many more times I can say that I feel huge and have kankles the size of thighs before becoming a parrot.

Basically I have nothing new to post about this pregnancy other than I'm finished.  Bean needs to get on outa there before I go crazy. He keeps playing doorbell ditch on my cervix and I must say the continued days of contractions are super duper annoying!

Everyone has seen the life alert commercials. I practiced making one yesterday. For real.
Since the hippo feet need to be elevated I thought I would lay on my back and prop hippo feet on the birthball.  Great idea until it was time to get up.  My hips and rear were numb to the point I could not move literally I was stuck and could not get up.  After lots of cussing and tears and maneuvers I never want to try again I un-stuck myself.

On an off topic rant I would like to ask Santa for the 6 days back that I lost while reading the "Grey" trilogy.

My next post will be about Bean's arrival.  Hopefully its tonight or tomorrow, heaven forbid I have to be pregnant for 14 more days.  Send a rescue team out for B if this baby chooses to be "well done" I have been grouchy long enough.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck, I hope he arrive soon and quickly for your sake :-)

    Can't wait for you to introdcue us to him for real :-) xx
