Sunday, June 3, 2012


Its official.
The belly button has popped out indicating baby is done cooking.
We have purchased all additional items for Bean.
I can no longer wear my ring, morning, noon or night.
Wearing shoes is impossible, Even B's shoes are to tight for these marshmallows.
I had the great displeasure of buying depends.

Since everything is done I declare this pregnancy over.  Now if Bean would get the hint and just decide to be born all would be right in the world.

On the eve of June's full moon, I can only hope that the gravitational pull will be getting him out and not holding him in.  Besides the typical "bloody show" and my water breaking I have had everything else indicating labor, but no baby to show for it.

I have tried everything to get this baby out. He will not budge. Not even a little.  How has he not learned in the 9 1/2 months cohabiting that I do not like to wait, I am impatient and like things in order.

To top off still being pregnant, having contractions, not sleeping and all around being miserable I woke up with bright green sticky conjunctiva. Basically I woke up Asain and now my eyes are swollen shut with green glue.

1 comment:

  1. Oh D that doesn't sound like fun at all :-(

    Still keeping my fingers crossed that he comes soon!
