Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Read Between The Lines

B is no mushy gushy romance type of guy.
He is a softy though, its just a matter of seeing through his bull and sarcasm to find it.

Throughout this whole pregnancy he has kept up his snarky behavior, until recently.  After 9 months he is finally willing to surrender to the belly.  I seriously need to write this stuff down so I can cherish these memories while he denies them 20 years from now. 

The last few nights B has come home gone straight to my belly and started asking "Bean" how his day was and carries on a whole conversation before he says hello to me.  Its tear jerking, really super cute stuff  that I get to watch.

Nighttime is even better on the softy scale.  B will tell Bean, "don't kick me, we are going to hang out before bed".

And just like that it's like I've disappeared and its just B and the belly. He talks and sings and carries on about whatever.

B may not come out and say he is excited and ready to be a dad, but these tender moments can't fool me.  Bean and I are so lucky to have B's love and affection, even if it takes time to de-code.

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