Friday, April 8, 2016

Dear Nelly Pt 1 Balance

Life is all about balancing... Balancing expectations and reality.... Balancing self time vs. family time

Today I'm trying a new format, a Dear Abby style with a raw edge when it comes to parenting and REAL life.  Disclaimer: This is real shit, its honest, its raw and not sugar coated... Continue at your own risk!

Hobbies.... What are those? Are you thinking about them? What you used to do? What used to make your soul happy? How long has it been since you've done something for yourself WITHOUT feeling GUILTY?

Finding time for ourselves is nearly impossible... Add kids, husband, jobs, responsibilities and there is no time to breathe let alone enjoy a hobby.  As women it is extremely important to carve out time for ourselves.  If we don't take the time to establish boundaries no one is going to do it for us.  Before we can "wife, mother, teach, or protect" we must remember our worth, our value and needs matter.

Can you pay bills with an overdrawn account? How many checks are you bouncing on your own energy.  It is so vital to make that effort to honor thyself.  Every single day take time to do something that fills your soul... Whether its getting up 30 mins early to actually enjoy that hot cup of coffee.. You'll thank me...... Is it going to yoga? Throw the kids in the car.. snot noses and all, I'm sure you think you can't go out with three day old clothes but you can and you should... You'll thank me.... Lock the bathroom door and read through facebook, twitter or a magazine... Just do it. 

It starts by doing one thing and slowly becomes easier to navigate the levels of time needed.. You'll have those days where things feel fine and you can conquer care line and grocery shopping sans coffee.. Then there are the days where you need a stay-cation to just sleep.  This is ok... You need this! We take on the boo boos, the meltdowns, the feeding cleaning ect and yet taking 10 mins for ourselves creates immense guilt.

I've been there done it all and thought this was how things were supposed to be.   After my son turned two and i stopped nursing I finally got it.  I took my first girls trip and spent 4 whole days with no kid and no husband.  I can't tell you how much that trip saved my sanity and how much I realized I need to start putting myself first.  I can be a better wife and a better moment if I make the time for myself.

Find what makes you happy and do that guilt free... Once a day, once a week.  Whatever schedule fits your lifestyle.  Call a friend, get a pedicure... schedule weekly blowouts.  I don't know any mom out there who doesn't have a pep in their step after getting their hair done. 

Ask for help, be your own advocate and be honest with yourself and your feelings.. If you need the break TAKE IT! Its your right to be you and not get lost in the chaos.

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