Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Social Media Assumptions

Living in a time where Insta-Models and catfishes are out to get our men..... Women judge each other solely on appearance.  Moms in mommy wars over Pinterest projects and school party favors. Where does it end?

Have you stopped to look at these images as actual people? Have you taken the time to get to know them? As a society we lack the skill of relationships. Do we even know what it means to have bonded friendships anymore?

As humans our desire to feel loved, fit in and accepted is so great that society is suffering.We are at a time where anyone will do anything to achieve fame....I think its all a bluff, people are lonely and its our own damn fault for not being vulnerable. 

How fake is this shit.... and we are all guilty to some degree of shaping the way people view us. 

Have you taken the time to see that insta-model as anything other than the girl with perfect hair, make up and a banging body? What about her thoughts? Her goals and desires? Its easy to assume she has it all by a picture....

If you were a stranger looking at your own profile what would picture would it paint?
Would it show the struggles in your marriage? The discontent in life? The dark depression you fight so hard to block from the world? What part are you playing in your head vs the part everyone else sees?

Mine would show a happy family, smiles, and adventures.  It shows family time, vacations and so much fun.  What is doesn't show is pain, tears and hard fought battles.  Pretending to have it all and pretending to be happy is so consuming. There comes a point where the suffocation becomes to much and its time to be real, be raw and be honest.  If not with the world we at least owe it to ourselves. 

My photos don't show anger, fear or resentment.  They don't show the struggle it is to get up in the morning... How do you just tell someone all these thoughts and feelings without seeming creepy... Its wanting the whole world to care and be supportive but being to afraid to ask.  Self doubt, self loathing, living in a shell is slowly sucking the life out of all of us. 

Honor yourself, honor your heart and for goodness sake take off the mask and live your life.  The best piece of advise I've ever gotten is to put myself first.  The more I nurture my soul and give to my self the more I have to give others. The grace and forgiveness I've bestowed on myself had opened so many doors.  We are all human, we all make mistakes the least we can do is support ourselves.

Each and everyone of us has control over our thoughts and emotions, the more we focus on the good the easier it is.

I'd rather loose people for being real than hang on to those who want the perfect image.  Quality over quantity and that starts with my actions, my thoughts and my ability to love.....


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