Friday, July 6, 2012

Two Weeks

Honestly time has just slipped away. I can't believe at this time two weeks ago B and I were driving to the birth center. It had been 4 hours since my water had broken, and then it would be a mere 8 hours later that we would be holding our precious son.

In two weeks I have caught numerous bodily fluids with my bare hands.  Both B and I have been peed on. I am the lucky one to get the trifecta: pee,poop, puke! Yay for being a mom!

In two weeks love has multiplied in our little family by immeasurable amounts.  Its amazing how someone so small can steal your heart.

These last two weeks of NOT being pregnant have been amazing. No more swelling. No more heartburn, no more huge belly. I can fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans ALREADY!!!

I can safely say that I never got stretch marks on my belly. I never got hemorrhoids. I had an all natural labor and delivery and survived.

We celebrated our first family holiday by going grocery shopping! I got to shower, wear make-up and do my hair.

At our two week check up Lucas gained a pound and mommy lost 35, daddy on the other hand isn't fairing so well with his baby weight.



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