Monday, July 9, 2012

Granola Mom

Turns out I'm not so crunchy after all.

Before actually having a baby I had all these "plans" of how I was going to raise Lucas. Turns out that shit goes out the window once there is a real live baby to care for.

For example I vowed I would never put a disposable diaper on him EVER. Too bad his perfect little but hasn't even touched cloth yet. One day we will get out of sposies and move into the eco-friendly cloth, until then sorry landfill.

I was set on co-sleeping. That doesn't work for us either.  After day 3 of sweating to death and getting no sleep, the bassinet is where its at. Its actually been the best thing for B and I to not have a baby in the bed.  Its amazing to not be fat with a snoogie taking up space either!

Giving up on dressing this kid is a life savor! I hate laundry! If he doesn't wear clothes, then I don't have to wash anything. GENIUS!!!!

Baby wearing has also fallen by the wayside.  I actually set him down during the day.  I see no need to hold him 24/7 sorry to all you crunchy judgers, it just doesn't work for us.

Speaking of setting babies down. I do it, probably more than I should but life goes on.  Yes I am a mom, yes the house still needs to be picked up, dishes done, food to eat ect.  And the real kicker, I'm still human, I have to pee during the day too.  Play mats were made for a reason and Lucas loves his!

Being a mom means having no plan and doing what works for me and my baby despite all the advise and judgment others may cast.

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