What is TBD you ask... TO BUSY DISORDER.... to fucking busy to say the whole "disorder" and its the life we've come to know a flourish in.
Its disgusting to me that life itself is the lowest priority for some. Do you know your neighbor? Have you called your mom this week or are you TOO FUCKING BUSY?
When the rat race of life becomes so overwhelming so damn busy if you will, what summers most is life.... Why does it take mass shootings, natural disasters or tragic events for people to wake the fuck up and realize the most important things in life are being tossed away.
Money its a necessity to some degree, but it is not life. Do not waste your life chasing this cheddar to have it all go down in flames. When all this "stuff" is gone and the world is left with nothing but strangers staring at each other maybe people will get it.
When the joy we get in our children is zapped by the demand to "pay" for them and all the "time" they need is too demanding because us parents have TBD. Every second of every month is planned to the tee, that's not living that's surviving.
So much judgment, so much hate... we are all the same.... human beings. We deserve love and respect and general concern for life. Don't let your TBD turn you into one of those self righteous assholes sitting behind a screen judging from the tiny perspective facebook or the news shows you.
And to the "cyber bullies" when your time comes and you want sympathy or compassion pray to god... he's your maker and he'll decide whats next for you.
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