Thursday, September 20, 2012

All things Dairy

Despite my love for cows and there ability to make milk, Lucas does tolerate it one bit.

I choose to suffer the consequences of consuming dairy, however my son has no choice.

It finally hit me that Lucas spit up every time I ate cheese, ice cream, sour cream. Basically every single milk product I eat gives this kid projectile vomit.

How on earth it took me 13 weeks to figure it out I have no idea, but I did and since cutting these delicious indulgences he is puke free!

Pretty much I can't eat jack squat.  Awesome expect additional weight loss and limited foods result in no human milk production.   Bacon and plain bagels thats where its at people.....

Breastfeeding is starting to loose in this feeding game.  I keep fighting to break out the damn formula I have stashed "just in case".  I made it 3 months and honestly I'm good with that. Anything from here on out is simply a bonus and money in my pocket.  Side note- thanks to B for continuing to support breastfeeding even though I'm so over it.

Addition foggy mommy brain screw up.....
I left the house yesterday with two different shoes.
No I didn't feel a difference even though one was thicker than the other.
Yes my 5 year old neighbor happily pointed out the mishap!

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