Thursday, May 17, 2012

I didn't Know I was Pregnant......

Shows like this exist because some bodies don't change during pregnancy!!!

Clearly my womb has grown due to this basketball that seems to get in the way of everything... Yet these damn doctors keep telling me I'm SMALL!!!!

I'm over it, to the point where I want to tell them not to measure me anymore and I will come back when its time to push.

At this point in time Bean has great heart tones, moves all over the place(he put on an acrobat show during the app) but is measuring 31 weeks instead of 37.  His head is also starting to engage in the pelvis making me measure smaller.

So far he is listening to me by preparing to come early, no one better mess this up!

I have one week to make "change" or we go for another in depth ultrasound.

To my surprise my blood pressure was low yesterday, still no protein or glucose in my urine and no headache or other pre-e symptoms.  Meaning the lovely kankles I've been sporting are just part of being pregnant and will most likely stay/ get worse.   I improved my iron and am still on the low end for weight gain despite how "huge" B tells me I am.

I will be dragging B to "Milking class" tonight.  This should be interesting!

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